Coaching Process

We enjoy partnering with clients as coaches and facilitators in a very dynamic, co-creative process that leverages the best in all of us.

We use active listening, communication, interviewing, and coaching skills to draw out the needs and aspirations of clients so we can customize each coaching and workshop program to achieve the desired success.

We dive into target topics relating to the customized leadership or team development program that build trust, clarity, confidence, enhanced conversational skills, resilience, and courage in developing and transforming your leadership, team, and organizational environments. We also work diligently to connect you with a variety of resources that will support your development and trajectory of success in achieving your goals.  We maintain an eye on how to help you realize an optimal return on your financial, mental, and emotional investments in this process and welcome your feedback to ensure we are maximizing your satisfaction and success. Each client and project is seen as an opportunity to foster growth through self and group discovery in order to eliminate roadblocks that hinder one's brilliance and build bridges into productive mindsets and behavioral shifts that will lead to increased productivity, progress, and successful outcomes. 

Our coaching philosophy is based on a passionate, life-long study of developing and unleashing human and leadership potential. Each client is a whole, capable, resourceful, and creative leader with untapped potential. Together we can discover, expand, and express new depth and dimension, which helps transform their teams, organizations, and communities with purposeful impact and sustainable growth. There is tremendous power in raising our self-awareness, gaining a 360-degree view of the behaviors and beliefs fueling our operating systems, and engaging in healthier conversations to increase perspective, innovation, awareness, and inclusion. This inspires the best in everyone to come forward in managing challenges, developing the next discovery, and elevating the human spirit of generativity. 

We utilize our collective experience as leadership coaches and facilitators with a special focus on professional maturity and career to:

  • Increase client self-awareness, reflection capabilities, professional brand articulation, and reputation management using the Hogan Assessment to discover personal and team strengths, challenges, and motivations to support more consciousness and intentionality in showing up to for themselves, their teams, customers and business opportunities. Thus, gaining confidence and articulation with who they are and why.

  • Discover a 360-degree view of a client’s leadership presence, power, and potential with The Leadership Circle Profile, which gives a visual framework of the client's effectiveness, balance, and developmental opportunities across 18 creative leadership competencies and 11 reactive tendencies that illuminate the inner operating system of beliefs and behaviors which drive their performance, relationships, and overall effectiveness.

  • Building upon the insights of the Hogan and The Leadership Circle Profile, we introduce clients to the science and power of conversations through Conversational Intelligence®, which reveals a neuroscientific map of how we communicate and the biochemical reactions we set in motion with our language and interaction dynamics, which are either building or eroding trust and connection. This either fosters extraordinary results or foils our success. We use this learning to integrate awareness, emotions, and intentions into healthier conversations that cultivate positive and sustainable cultural change and transform how clients do business.

This is transformational work for individual leaders and teams, helping to build healthier leadership/team paradigms and practices that create higher purpose-driven work. In turn, this increases engagement, momentum, and positive impact on co-creating sustainable success, profits, and innovation. Clients feel like the authors of change and are more prepared to achieve their aspirations by showing up more fully to their professional challenges and the people they serve


We’d love to hear what aspirations and growth you would like to experience and why, so together we can build your own transformational journey to success!

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