Are there professional standards for the coaching industry?

Yes, there is a code of ethics, as well as, core competencies, accreditation processes, and an industry association called the International Coach Federation that promotes the advancement of coaches. To learn more about this click here: https://www.coachfederation.org/ICF-ethics


How will I know you are the right coach for me?

During our initial conversations and/or the Discovery Session at the beginning of our engagement, we will mutually identify if this is an appropriate fit. So before you say "yes", you will have a sample of what the coaching experience will be like, my style, and how my process works. Until then, click on my BIO page to learn more about my background and my Process page to learn more about my approach in coaching.


How do I get started in the coaching process?

If you are interested in beginning the coaching process, please contact me via phone 425-770-0216 so we can schedule our initial Success Acceleration Session to further explore how a coaching relationship could accelerate your success.


What can you expect from me as your coach?

1. Be a partner in bringing out the best in you and empower you throughout your job search, career transition or leadership/team development process.
2. Provide safety, encouragement, and support within an environment in which you can relax and explore to discover new things that will support your growth and ultimate success.
3. Respect the confidentiality of the agreements we make.
4. Expand your view of what is possible and promote the discovery of new insights along your search process.
5. Give input, straight feedback, and operate as a sounding board.
6. Listen carefully to what you say and ask questions that increase your awareness to expand your options.
7. Be an ongoing resource for you in accomplishing your intentions and holding you accountable so you can achieve your goals.


What if I sign up for this and decide coaching is not right for me or my situation? 

If within the first month of our relationship if you show up to the calls and participate fully in the process, yet the program doesn't feel like it is the best fit for you, simply let me know what is not working for you so we can re-calibrate our process to better fit your needs and leverage your investment of money, time, and energy. 

If coaching as a process isn't aligning with the support you need I will refund your money for any pre-paid, unused sessions and do my best to help you align with other professional resources that would better suit your needs so you can continue to move forward towards your goals. 


How is coaching different from consulting, therapy, or advice-giving?

Coaching is a professional partnership between two experts, coach and client, that is focused on self-discovery, self-empowerment, personal responsibility, taking action, and moving forward in your career and life.

Consulting relies on an expert's evaluation of the client's situation and utilizes their expertise to fix or build something for the client to solve a problem or bridge to a new opportunity.  Therapy often reflects back into the past to face, analyze and understand patterns, events, and behaviors to build an understanding of the present and often includes deep work and coping strategies to help clients face, heal, solve, and/or reconcile issues or with people to move on in their lives. 

Coaches Craig Carr and Jil Windsor aptly describe coaching like this: 

You Are Already Whole: There Are No Treatment Plans, Problems, or Blame with coaching.

It is absolutely essential to understand that Coaching is NOT a profession that evolved from a Western, medical-model paradigm.  That means coaching is not a healing profession and a coach is not someone who fixes your problem with his or her expertise. That is the purview of consulting, therapy, or just plain advice-giving. 


The roots of Coaching grow from personal empowerment paradigms.  That means that even though your coach has expertise to share with you, it’s up to you to take full responsibility for the choices you make and the results you receive.


Sometimes this is hard for clients to accept, but in the end, it is personal responsibility that makes all the difference to your sense of achievement, fulfillment, and empowerment.”